Bikram Hot Yoga
Bikram Hot Yoga

Bikram Yoga style was created by Bikram Chowdhury who developed a set of exercises after he suffered a severe knee injury. The main peculiarity of this style is that the classes are held in a hot room, which helps to work out the muscles and reduce the risk of injuries. Today, Bikram yoga includes 26 consecutive asanas of hatha yoga, which involve all the muscles and joints of the body, and 2 breathing exercises.

Bikram hot yoga has a lot of benefits for both physical and mental health. In particular, this style helps with the following:

  • It improves your flexibility and grace
  • It helps to lose extra weight
  • Bikram hot yoga activates the immune system
  • This style helps to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks
  • It reduces back pain
  • Bikram yoga is great for strengthening all the muscles of your body
  • It improves the work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems
  • This yoga style slows down the aging process
  • It improves mental health and helps to fight depression
  • Bikram yoga is a great means to recover from injuries

This yoga style is aimed at improving your strength, balance, as well as flexibility and it perfectly works for both former athletes who suffered multiple injuries and yoga enthusiasts who want to be physically and mentally healthy.

Bikram Hot Yoga

Give Bikram Hot Yoga a try