
Svaroopa is a yoga style that focuses on core opening exercises that help decompress the spine. This very style is great for those people who suffer from minor back injuries. In Svaroopa yoga, most asanas are focused on releasing tension from the muscles around the spine, which allows one to relax and improves one’s health.

Asanas used in this style are usually very simple, which makes it great for beginners as well as those people who suffered injuries. At the same time, these simple asanas are surprisingly effective and, if done correctly, help relax deep muscles and give you more freedom of movement. Svaroopa is also a perfect yoga style for those people who want to work on their posture and spine.

This yoga style helps to develop core strength and relax spine muscles, which is why it is perhaps the best style for office workers who have to sit at the desk for at least 8 hours a day and eventually suffer from various back issues and have problems with their posture.


Give Svaroopa a try