
Restorative yoga is a style where asanas are held longer than usual in order to carefully relax the muscles. This style often involves the support props such as folded towels to help reduce muscle tension and relax the body. The practice was created in 2007 by American yoga teacher Judith Lasater. The main purpose of this yoga style is to relax the body and muscles.

The practice usually consists of six restorative asanas, which is why the classes are usually shorter than in other styles. Many teachers include meditation practices that help to forget about your problems and worries, reduce anxiety, and improve mental health.

Restorative yoga is all about the mind, so it does not really help to improve your strength or flexibility. At the same time, it is a great practice for those people who suffer from injuries, illness, stress, and even some mental disorders. In addition to that, many modern coaches implement the elements of restorative yoga in their regular classes since it helps to relax after challenging asanas.


Give Restorative a try